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Stratégie grains - durum report

Stratégie grains - durum report is published bi-monthly and offers in-depth analysis of European and global market fundamentals for durum wheat.
The analysis method employed successfully for over 20 years to produce our Stratégie grains cereal balance sheets is now targeted at durum wheat for this separate publication covering the durum wheat markets in Europe and the main world exporting and importing countries.
The report offers full analysis of all factors impacting price movements and international trade in durum wheat.
Stratégie grains - Durum Report
Stratégie grains - durum report features:
For further information Full supply and demand balance sheets
based on our agronomic and economic analyses.

For further information A complete perspective in price changes:
in-depth analysis of price spreads between the main durum wheat origins and for principal export destinations. Stratégie grains - durum report also offers detailed commentary on all factors influencing durum wheat price movements and a price forecast outlook for the coming months.

For further information Forecasting on harvest volumes and quality:
we provide estimates for planted area, yield, production and grain quality for each EU country for past, current and future marketing years.

For further information Analysis of industrial requirements:
ongoing monitoring of durum wheat consuming sectors (such as pasta and semolina production).

For further information International trade monitoring:
  • • Ongoing monitoring of world durum wheat market and analysis of competitive price spreads between all the main world origins; import/export forecasts for all the main importing and exporting countries; forecasting for EU exports to the rest of the world.
  • • Forecast for intra-EU durum wheat trade based on our in-depth analysis of each country's requirements, competitive price spreads between durum wheat origins and also taking account of trade patterns in previous years.

For further information Versions and languages available:
Stratégie grains - durum report is available in French and English. It is provided electronically as a PDF file sent by email but can be printed and archived in accordance with your individual needs. Acrobat Reader version 4.0 or above is required to read Stratégie grains in PDF format. It can be downloaded free from Adobe's website.

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Subscribers to Stratégie grains - Durum report gain access to the following durum wheat data modules on our website :
  • • Supply and demand balance sheets
  • • EU harvests
  • • Intra-EU trade
  • • EU-third country trade
  • • World trade