Leverage grain forecasts and market analysis for 2023-24

Your trusted provider of grain intelligence to help you make informed decisions on global markets. Request a free report today!

  • 📈 Anticipate price movements
  • 🚀 Get S&D forecasts data before anyone else
  • 📊 Access regular market analysis from trusted experts

Need data intelligence on grain markets?

Strategie Grains provides independent and in-depth market analysis for wheat, barley and maize to help traders, sellers and buyers of grain commodities navigate through complex markets

Unique methodology curated by experimented analysts

The Stratégie Grains team forecasts supply and demand balance sheets at a country level, and analyses the potential surplus or deficit based on current prices. We provide data-driven recommendations on market directions and price movements.

In-depth S&D data and market commentaries

Stratégie Grains grain reports are available to download monthly. They include 60+ pages of S&D forecasts and market analysis for each of the major importing and exporting countries, giving you the full picture of the markets.


Understand future production trends from forecasts on areas and yields


See how feed, human and industrial demands are likely to impact markets

World Trade

Discover how importers will react and which exporters will be key players

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Learn from world stocks forecasts to anticipate price movements