Crops - Interactive table tutorial

🚀 Explore your new data display features

1. Build and export charts

Generate interactive charts

  • Select relevant data
  • Right click on your selection
  • Select
  • Export chart by clicking on (top right of the chart)

Tip - You can reverse year order when you select a commodity and all countries

2. Customize column selection

Filter data according to your needs

  • Click on top left icon to open menu
  • Click on to be able to type what you would like to filter
  • Click on to be able to tick or untick columns

3. Reorganize data

Select, drag and drop columns/rows

  • For column - select the column and drag it right or left
  • For row - select this icon to drag the row up or down

Tip - You can sort data in columns by clicking on

4. Export data to Excel

Download data in your preferred format

  • Spreadsheet - right click and select "Export table to spreadsheet"
  • CSV / XLS - access the download menu at the top of the page

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